Rudy Profumi focuses on an innovative line of toiletries and room fragrances

Rudy Profumi focuses on an innovative line of toiletries and room fragrances

Containers become true furnishing objects, characterised by elegant shapes and unique designs. Here is our interview with Cristina Calabrese, Product Manager of Rudy Profumi 

What are the novelties or products you are focusing on and why?


We are currently focusing on an innovative line of toiletries and room fragrances, which not only offer unique sensory experiences, but are also distinguished by exclusive design packaging. Our mission is to create packages that are not just containers, but veritable interior design objects, characterised by elegant shapes and unique designs. This approach allows us to enhance not only the functional aspect of our products, but also their aesthetic contribution to the home environment. In parallel, we are investing heavily in olfactory research to develop distinctive fragrances that transform every moment of use into an unforgettable sensory experience.



What is the importance of a fragrance in a room and how to choose it?


Fragrance plays a key role in a room, shaping the mood and sensory experience of those who use it. It should be selected depending on the specific location, season and personal preferences. In a bathroom, a fresh, clean fragrance can indulge the senses in a moment of relaxation, while in the living room, warmer, enveloping notes might be a better option to create a cosy atmosphere. The season also influences the choice: fresh scents in spring and summer and richer tones in autumn and winter. The fragrance also reflects the consumer’s identity, leaving an olfactory impression that communicates his or her personality and lifestyle. It is important to choose quality fragrances that are authentic and reflect individual preferences, ensuring a memorable and satisfying olfactory experience.